Special Thanks

Our Customers
Without you all, this whole dream of providing a go-to place to better the health of our community and the land would not be possible. We sincerely hope you enjoy our services and products and will do what we can to meet and exceed expectations. We hope to help you find better health, a place to feel comfortable, and to learn some incredible information along the way. We thank God for you all and, sincerely, thank you for your incredible support.

Colin Alston
Colin helped us start this place. He took time from his retirement to help us put up thousands of feet of fence, gave us incredible ideas,  led the barn build, and showed us kindness and good conversation when we didn't know how we were going to make it. Needless to say we are indebted and so grateful for him and his wife Sharon (who designed some of our landscape and made us some amazing food when we could barely stand up straight from exhaustion). We look forward to more times together and will be praying for you guys! Miss you!

Chuck Collins and Family
Mr. Chuck- dad- words could not express our gratitude for the time and effort you put in this place. When we moved from Florida, we knew this undertaking was going to be incredibly hard. You have been right by us ever since. From our grumpy and exhausted bad days to the finished projects and joy of completion (or relief-who knows), you stuck with us, and we could not have done this without you. You are a foundational pillar of our family and continue to be a big part of our farm with your Godly advice and years of expertise. Mrs. Karen, we didn't forget all you have done either. With those amazing prepared meals, clean up help, and an array of other helpful tasks, you have succeeded in encouraging us through difficult times. To Tirzah and Joel- thank you for helping us on so many random projects we can't remember them! You guys are appreciated more than you know!

Keith Jones and Family
Keith-dad- is another pillar in our family without whom we would have fallen apart a long time ago. If we have questions, you are the person on speed dial. When we need a random job done that is back-breaking and tedious, you show up without question. We will always be grateful for what you do for our family. We are also tremendously grateful for what you have helped us accomplish- all without asking for anything in return. You are a great man and a pretty good papa too. Even though you are older than dirt (not really but close), we can always count on you. Sheree-mom- thank you for you encouragement even when we didn't think things were possible! Bri, thanks for your encouragement, help around the farm and support (and yes, we realize we are completely nuts). To Michael, GG, and John- thank you guys for your encouragement, sound advice and kind words. Enough cannot be said for what you all mean to this place.

Friends and Family
Even though there are a few pointed out above, we want to thank every friend and family member not mentioned yet for your support, kind words, and encouragement throughout this whole process. We have had quite a large number of people who have said that this whole thing isn't possible, but the few memorable voices from those we love have helped so much! Thank you all!